Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 1 & 2

We have been blessed with a fairly easy baby so far (I know I'll be eating those words in the coming weeks) but it has made this recovery from the c-section a little easier to have such a laid back baby. I do have to credit my husband also, he has been fantastic and has taken on the role of father so much better than I ever would have imagined! And he's also doing a lot for me, without me asking, so I am trying to take care of AJ more so he can do the things around the house that I can't. 

Weight: She was up to 7.8lbs (from 7.4 at discharge) at her appointment on Wednesday 12/26 and we have tried weighing her by DH holding her on the scale and then he weighs just himself. If that is accurate, she's 8.8lbs!! I doubt she would gain a pound in less than a week.

Health: She's perfect! The Ped's doc said she has milk jaundice and she's not concerned anymore about regular jaundice. My MIL said today that she looks much less yellow than before. 

Sleep: Getting better, she's giving me 3 hour stretched. Now that she's at her birth weight, I don't have to wake her every 2-3 hours to feed. Sometimes she'll go 4 hours between diaper change & feeding, but I believe in not waking a sleeping baby!

Clothes: Still Newborn, I only have about 5 sleepers, so we are just rotating and doing a load every few days. I refuse to buy anymore NB clothes. 

Social: Smiling more (probably just gas!). She followed DH's finger today and she calms down when she hears our voices. 

Visitors: Just our parents at home. She met her cousins and 2nd cousins on NYD when we had our annual lunch at a pizza place.

Diet: Breastmilk

Baby Gear: Trying out tummy time today since her cord fell off yesterday, she didn't like it. She does love her swing, but as for toys, no interest yet.

Crying: Really only when she's hungry, needs a diaper change, or needs to burp.

Likes: Walking and bouncing. She loves when the dog comes over and sniffs her, she doesn't cry but it looks like she's being tickled.

Milestones: Being back up to north weight and losing the umbilical cord

Postpartum: I've lost 22 of the 45 lbs I gained. It's funny, I forget to eat all the time. Between taking care of AJ and trying to get some sleep in, I'm lucky if I eat 3 times a day. Plus I am moving all around this house 100 miles a minute. I hate that it's so cold out and we can't take walks. 

And now some pictures!

Meeting the dog for the first time
First Christmas
First appointment
First dinner out
Dancing in her sleep!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

40 weeks and we have a baby!

I'll post my 40 week photo below but I'd rather say ARIANNA IS HERE!!!!

She was born on Friday December 21st (yes, Doomsday!) at 1:32pm. I was 40w6d. She weighed 8lbs, 4ozs and was 21.5" long. I went in on Wednesday December 19th to get induced. We started with a Foley bulb and after 5 painful tries, we stopped trying. We then moved to cervidil at 10pm on Wednesday. We went to sleep and at 6am on Thursday, I felt trickles of something down there. Called the nurse, yep, my water broke. I was just under 2cm so we started pitocin. 

The rest of Thursday was spent walking the halls, being checked, and being disappointed. By Thursday night, I was barely 3cm (but was 90% effaced and at zero station). Ari's heartbeat also kept dropping a little below baseline at times and the doctor didn't love it. So I would turn from side to side. The contractions got so intense, we started the epidural around 9pm on Thursday night. HEAVEN!!!! I slept like a log, except for the nurses coming in every 90 minutes to do something. Sometime during the night, they decided to put in the internal monitor that goes into babies head (cue the tears on this one!) At one time I counted 7 things attached to me (blood pressure cuff, finger heartbeat thing, oxygen mask, IV, epidural, catheter, and internal baby heart monitor)

Around 5am on Friday, I was checked and somehow I was at 9.5cm with a little lip on the right side. Ari's head was turned, her eyes were facing my inner right thigh. So they had me turn very far on my right side to see if she would put pressure on that thin lip that was left and to see if she would turn her head. About an hour or so later, I was 10cm but she was still turned (she was still +1 station) so we had some time left. I turned on my right side for an hour or so to get her to turn. Still no luck. So we decided to push to see what would happen.

2.5 hours later, no baby yet, she was +2 station and her head was starting to swell. We got nervous and started talking c-section. I wasn't tired from pushing, but I wanted her safe and out. So at 1:05pm, they stated prepping me for a c/s. It went fast but in my head it was the slowest process in my life. I just wanted to hear that cry. 

At 1:32pm, we heard that cry. Best moment of my life!

We had to stay till Monday night. We were almost was in the hospital till Tuesday, Christmas, because Ari had a little jaundice. But her jaundice numbers and weight were good by 8pm on Monday and we high tailed it out of there!

Friday, December 14, 2012

39 weeks :-(

How far along? 39 weeks
How big is the peanut? Watermelon
Total weight gain/loss? +43 but it fluctuates from +40 - +45
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep? Horribly. I slept on Joe's recliner last night and slept well 
Best moment this week? Finding out that I was 1cm, 70% effaced, and +2 station. Praying I am further along at the appointment on Monday. If I am, I'm getting induced on Tuesday. 
Symptoms? Nauseous, heartburn, hips hurting while sleeping, diarrhea. The list goes on. 
Food cravings? Nothing really, can't eat big meals or I feel like I'm going to explode. Trying to stick to an easy diet with the diarrhea. 
Food aversions? Again, nothing really. Food just isn't looking good these days. 
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Pressure!!! Some contractions to where I can feel the peak and then the decline but they are not lasting more than 10-15 minutes and they are very short in length.
Belly button in or out? All the way out
Stretch Marks? I don't think so, yet. I'm not sure if they are the start of stretch marks or veins. I guess we'll see once I deliver. 
Movement? Lots &  lots! Rolls and sharp movements!
Wedding rings on or off? Off, all rings off :-(
What I miss? Everything at this point. 
What I'm looking forward to? This little girl being born! My due is tomorrow, let's go!!!
Milestones? Getting to 40 weeks I guess
Bump? Of course, but this is a very forced smile

Monday, December 3, 2012

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks
How big is the peanut? Pumpkin
Total weight gain/loss? I've actually lost some weight. I was up almost 44 last week, now I've lost 2lbs and I'm only up 42. My eating hasn't changed although I've been pretty "regular" so maybe that's why. I think I've heard your body "cleans you out" before you deliver.
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep? Pretty good. Slept almost 10 hours on Sunday, now it was consistent. Got up to use the bathroom a few times and tossed & turned due to my hips hurting but overall pretty good sleep. 
Best moment this week? This is going to sound horrible, but learning Kate Middleton is pregnant. I am obsessed with her and now it'll only get worse the next 7+ months.
Symptoms? Some heartburn, some icky blah feeling, hips hurting, lighting crotch, and some contractions but nothing consistent. 
Food cravings? Water and peanut butter
Food aversions? Nothing really, just need to not eat big meals as there isn't much room left in there. 
Gender? Sweet baby girl 
Labor signs? I think so, I'm getting the sharp pain that everyone refers to as lighting crotch, basically the baby pushing down (since she's head down, again!) and I think I'm getting contractions. The whole belly feels tight but they're not timeable so I'm sure it's false labor. 
Belly button in or out? Way out
Stretch Marks? Don't see any yet, doesn't mean they aren't there!
Movement? Lots! Not so much jabs and kicks but rolling side to side and a very lopsided if little girl gets in a weird position
Wedding rings on or off? Off
What I miss? Everything at this point, I just want to see her sweet, beautiful, precious face!!! 
What I'm looking forward to? I guess my weekly appointments to see if I am making any progress. 
Milestones? 38 is considered full term to everyone, so this little princess can come at any time now!
Bump? Still haven't dropped as much as I would like!

Monday, November 26, 2012

36 & 37 weeks and Baby Shower pics

The weeks are starting to blend together and I was on vacation last week so I completely forgot to post an update! We'll just merge them together, the last 2 weeks have been pretty much the same. 

How far along? 37 weeks
How big is the peanut? Watermelon (WOW!)
Total weight gain/loss? Since I'm starting to swell now, I'm stopping my weight gain at 40lbs. Also because I don't want to step on the scale. I also stopped looking at the OB weekly. 
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep? It's a crapshoot these days. One night I sleep great and only get up once to pee, other nights I toss and turn because my hips are killing me. Sitting isn't easy these days either. 
Best moment this week? Well, we had an ultrasound on the 20th and little girl was sideways, so we scheduled a c/s just in case. There's still plenty of fluid and room for her to move the doc said but we might as well put it on the books just in case. So we picked 12/12/12, might as well give her a cool birthday if we can pick it. We also got a cleaning lady that I am hoping to budget in monthly. We've used her before a few times a year and she is fantastic!
Symptoms? Heartburn, varicose vains (I'm wearing those support hose now, they are pretty nice. My legs are not killing me by then end of the day)
Food cravings? Water, can't get enough
Food aversions? No aversions, just can't eat a normal size meal anymore without feeling like I am going to blow up
Gender? Baby girl who doesn't want to go head down!
Labor signs? Getting pressure in the girly bits. The best way I can describe it is it feels like I have a tampon in wrong and it's pinching. Also getting Braxton Hicks almost every hour
Belly button in or out? Out, way out!
Stretch Marks? Nothing on the belly yet, still lotioning up like crazy. I'm sure they will show up after she comes
Movement? Lots and lots! I don't have to do kick counts, this women moves at least 20 times an hour
Wedding rings on or off? Off and I miss them horribly 
What I miss? Just about everything and anything at this point. I have a whole new appreciation for pregnant women in their last few weeks now!
What I'm looking forward to? Meeting my baby girl! You're fully cooked AJ, let's get movin!
Milestones? Most of my websites say 37 weeks is considered full term, so yah!!
Bump? Here's both weeks

And now some shower pictures

Everyone filled this out for AJ

My mother-in-law, sister-in-law's, Grandma-in-law, and Joe's nieces. Below is one on the games we played, everyone had to make a baby out of Play-doh. 


Monday, November 12, 2012

35 weeks down, 35 days to go!

How far along? 35 weeks
How big is the peanut? Coconut
Total weight gain/loss? -1.2lbs! So +39.8
Maternity clothes? Yep, I have a few shirts in a larger size
Sleep? Eh, Only going to the bathroom once overnight, but I am tossing & turning all night
Best moment this week? Went to the doctor on Wednesday and she said she felt the baby head down! We'll confirm next week when I have my ultrasound. I REALLY fear a c-section
Symptoms? Heartburn, some carpal tunnel, still have the bruising in my bikini line and bruising on that leg by my knee. The doctor said it's from sleeping on my right side but I can't stop it. I wake up and I'm on my right side. 
Food cravings? Everything
Food aversions? Nothing
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Braxton hicks, lots! I'm also having pressure below. To where I need to move side to side to get her to move. I guess I better get use to it, I'm sure the pressure during labor is so much worse!
Belly button in or out? Out, way way out
Stretch Marks? No and I'm shocked! They have to still be coming, they have to be!
Movement? Lots, lots, and lots! This little girl is trying to escape through my belly button!
Wedding rings on or off? Off for weeks now and my grandma's rings, that were loose, are now getting tight. I have some swelling going on I think
What I miss? Almost everything and anything at this point. I hate that I can't do what I use to do. Going to Target by myself, coming home and doing 4 loads of laundry, and then cleaning on a Sunday is a thing of the past. The only thing I miss of those things is the shopping by myself and Target. Joe rushes me through the store and I always spend more when he's with me
What I'm looking forward to? Thanksgiving part 1 is this weekend at my parents house and I'm on vacation next week!!
Milestones? Baby's head down (at least the OB said she is!)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

34 Weeks and Baby Shower #2

How far along? 34 weeks
How big is the peanut? Butternut squash
Total weight gain/loss? +41
Maternity clothes? Oh yeah!
Sleep? Not bad, my hands are falling asleep but I'm not getting up a lot anymore to pee. Having some crazy dreams again
Best moment this week? We had our baby shower on Joe's side. Had such a great time. But had a freak out when we got home. As I'm going through everything, I'm thinking how unprepared I am! I think it was just too much between the baby class on Saturday & the shower on Sunday. I was overtired. But I couldn't stop crying!
Symptoms? Heartburn! Still some carpal tunnel and hands falling asleep. Some Braxton hicks and some pressure but no contractions yet. 
Food cravings? Everything
Food aversions? Nothing
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? Out, way out! I need to take a picture of it before it's gone. 
Stretch Marks? Surprisingly, not yet which I am shocked at. My mom had horrible stretch marks and I have them on my inner thighs and hips from gaining & losing weight over the years. They are going to show up after I deliver, I guarantee it!
Movement? Lots and lots and lots
Wedding rings on or off? Off, totally off and I miss my beautiful wedding rings so much!
What I miss? Being able to do things. I get so tired by 11am and I work from home! It takes a lot of extra effort to do the simple things like bending and tying your shoes! It's all worth it but I'll be happy when I have to stop asking for help for everything
What I'm looking forward to? Well, if I did this update on Saturdays when my week changes, I would say our appointment on Wednesday, but since it's Wednesday, I'm happy to report that baby is head down now! She was breech at our 30 week ultrasound and the doctor started talking about a c-section and I've been freaked out since. So I am SO happy that the doc felt her head very nice and low in my pelvis!
Milestones? Next week will be 35/35 and the doctor said if I went into labor now, they wouldn't stop it. I CAN NOT WAIT to see this princess!
Bump? Here's a picture from Sunday when we were on our way to our baby shower, I'll post pictures when I get them from my sister-in-law. Also a picture of AJ's closet. Almost done!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
How big is the peanut? Honeydew melon
Total weight gain/loss? Hit the 40lb mark today, whatever
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep? Start getting up 3 times this past week to use the bathroom, I guess the days of getting up once are over
Best moment this week? Getting our baby camera and testing it out
Symptoms? I guess I'm now a snorer. I hope this goes away along with the carpel tunnel and monster heartburn after she's born
Food cravings? Nothing specific, still wanting water all the time
Food aversions? Nothing, hence the weight gain
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Nope, just braxton hicks
Belly button in or out? Out, way out
Stretch Marks? Not yet, but they have to be coming
Movement? Lots and lots and lots. I'm really hoping she's in the process of flipping! Some of these movements are down right painful!
Wedding rings on or off? Off for good now :-(
What I miss? Being able to do things like I use to. Yesterday I had to do laundry and go shopping. By the time we got to Target, I was exhausted. Then we wanted to put together my new desk for my office and I was just so tired, my back hurt, and the BH contractions were out of control. 
What I'm looking forward to? My baby shower is this Sunday! We also start baby classes on Saturday. Not looking forward to 6 hours but it's only 2 weekends
Bump? Of course!

I've been trying to take bare belly pics in bed every week to see how it's growing from the front. Here's 12 weeks & 33 weeks

Sunday, October 21, 2012

32 weeks

How far along? 32 Weeks
How big is the peanut? Squash
Total weight gain/loss? +38lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep, hopefully I won't ned more for the next 8 weeks
Sleep? Pretty good but still getting exhausted by later afternoon and lay down for an hour after work 
Best moment this week? Not that it felt the best, but she was moving a lot and the movements where on each side, so maybe she's flipping
Symptoms? Horrible heartburn, carpal tunnel, exhaustion, and restless legs!
Food cravings? Still just water. I mean, I'll eat all food! Had Joe get me an apple pie the other night and it was so good! 
Food aversions? Nope
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Still just the braxton hicks, some pressure in my pelvis during the BH
Belly button in or out? Out
Stretch Marks? Not yet, but I'm sure they are coming
Movement? Lots & lots!
Wedding rings on or off? I was able to get them on yesterday for an anniversary party we went to but it wasn't easy getting them on or off
What I miss? Bending over normally and my cute fall clothes
What I'm looking forward to? W have an appointment on Tuesday, nothing exciting, just a checkup. My shower is in 2 weeks!
Milestones? Nothing I can think of

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks
How big is the peanut? Pineapple
Total weight gain/loss? +37lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep, have a few shirts that are not maternity but have to wear a long tank underneath
Sleep? Ok, my symptoms are keeping me up
Best moment this week? We had an ultrasound this week, with a horrible tech but we got to see baby girl again. She's weighing around 3.7 pounds and the doctor said she's very long. Her legs are at the 77 percentile and her arms are in the 95 percentile, I hope her arms are super long!
Symptoms? Heartburn, carpal tunnel, restless leg syndrome. I'm just a mess this week!
Food cravings? Water, can't get enough water
Food aversions? Pretty much everything (including water) is causing the worse heartburn I've ever had in my life!
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Nope, just some braxton hicks
Belly button in or out? think it's all out now, I can only see the top of it w/o a mirror
Stretch Marks? Not yet, but I'm sure I'm going to get them. I keep lotioning up though
Movement? Lots and lots, little lady kept me up on Thursday night till 2am moving
Wedding rings on or off? Off, I'm done trying to squeeze them past my knuckle
What I miss? Tying my shoes
What I'm looking forward to? We have an anniversary party this weekend
Milestones? Down to single digit weeks!

Monday, October 8, 2012

30 Weeks ~ 3/4 done!

How far along? 30 weeks
How big is the peanut? Length of a cucumber
Total weight gain/loss? Still +35lbs. No weight gain the last 2 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep? Not bad, I really need to stay on my right side so I get rid of the bruising in my bikini area. I'm waking up some nights with horrible wrist pain, which I found out is carpal tunnel, fun!
Best moment this week? We went to a fall festival in the far west burbs, I love this festival and we found some great homemade baby stuff, fantastic honey, and apple butter
Symptoms? Just the bruising in the bikini area and on my right leg. Having a very hard time tying my shoes. Oh, and the carpal tunnel. 
Food cravings? Nothing really. I'm hungrier this week, so I'm sure there will be weight gain next week. 
Food aversions? Nope
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Nope, just braxton hicks
Belly button in or out? Top half out, bottom half flat
Movement? Lots! She has the hiccups all the time and she's moving from one side to the other
Wedding rings on or off? During the week I wear my grandma's ring, sometimes I can get my rings on if I run my hands under cold water
What I miss? Being able to walk without waddling, walking up stairs without being short of breath, being able to bend over to do anything. 
What I'm looking forward to? We have an ultrasound tomorrow, a doctors appointment with a new OB (starting to make the rounds so I meet as many doctors as possible) and we interview our first pediatrician tomorrow. Big day!
Milestones? Only 10 weeks left!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
How big is the peanut? Squash
Total weight gain/loss? 0!! Finally!! But I gained 4lbs last week and 35 so far
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep? Not bad, only getting one time most nights to pee
Best moment this week? Feeling her on my sides of my belly, I think she was stretching.
Symptoms? My right wrist is killing me in the morning when I wake up. I also have some bruising on my right side in my bikini line. I saw the doctor this past Friday and she said it wasn't bad but when I said I was waking up a lot on my right side, she said that was probably why I had bruising there and the pressure of the belly isn't helping. Baby girl apparently likes to hang out more on the right side than the left. 
Food cravings? Everything. I started having a Kashi brownie for dessert each night. They are made with sweet potatoes and black beans, so I feel less guilty about eating them
Food aversions? Nothing
Gender? Baby girl
Labor signs? No way
Belly button in or out? All out 
Movement? Lots. Yesterday (Saturday) she started at 2am and I finally got out of bed at 7am. I hope this isn't her pattern!
Wedding rings on or off? On sometimes, if it's cold enough out, they can fit over my fat knuckle. If they don't fit, I'll wear my grandmother's ring.
What I miss? Bring able to eat a meal without feeling very full. Also being able to get out of bed or just move around in bed. It's really hard to turn from side to side and really hard to get out of bed
What I'm looking forward to? Next Saturday we are smoking a bunch of meat and my in-laws and on Sunday we are going to a fall festival. Love this season!
Milestones? Nothing I can think of

Monday, September 24, 2012

28 Weeks - 3rd Trimester!

The end is near! Well, 3 months near. 

How far along? 28 weeks
How big is the peanut? Eggplant, she was 2lbs at our 25 week ultrasound, so I think she has to be just under 3lbs by now
Total weight gain/loss? I don't even want to go there! I'm up 35lbs, already. I don't care, I'm healthy and so is baby girl. I really think I'm just going to stop weighing myself.
Maternity clothes? Yep and I had to buy some larger pants *crying face* and some long sleeved tops. I need to find some cheap sweaters!
Sleep? Not bad. I've only been getting up once a night to go to the bathroom
Best moment this week? Joe & I went to a consignment sale this past weekend and we got an Ergo carrier for $50, a rocker & stool for $50, and a bunch of baby clothes! I also met a great lady who was taking pictures, she is looking for mom's who want her there when the baby is born for those first pictures and she's offering 1/2 off for both sessions. So it would normally be $150 for the birthing session and $150 for the infant session but I'll get both for $150! Now I just have to check if she can be in the room with us. I really want those first pictures when we meet our daughter, especially Joe's face. He's getting so excited. Last night he watched a live birth online and was reading articles for hours. I love that he is a guy that loves to do research on things and he's really taking this seriously! I am very lucky to have him as a husband. 
Symptoms? Braxton hicks and some bruising in the lower girly region, where my leg meets my 'ya know'. Not sure what that is from, maybe from baby girl kicking me so hard......
Food cravings? Everything (see weight gain above)
Food aversions? Nothing
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Nope, just some BH's
Belly button in or out? all the way out, it's pretty cute!
Movement? Lots of movement, like rolling from one side to the other movement!
Wedding rings on or off? Now that it's chilly out, my rings fit some days. No way am I getting my wedding band on first thing in the morning, so I wear my grandma's ring most days. 
What I miss? This week I miss sitting comfortably and being able to tie my shoes
What I'm looking forward to? I get my Rhogram shot this Friday, not looking forward to that but I get to ask some questions I have
Milestones? 3rd trimester!
Bump? A little bare belly for ya!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 27

How far along? 27 weeks
How big is the peanut? Eggplant/Rutabaga 
Total weight gain/loss? 175lbs, up 30lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep
Sleep? So-so. Baby girl does not like when I lay on my left hand side. She must not have read that article saying it's the best sleeping position ;-)
Best moment this week? More movement, I am feeling little feet & legs now. It's freaking me out a little but she's over 2lbs now and only getting bigger so I better get use to it
Symptoms? Crazy weird dreams! A few examples are: I get up from the toilet and it's all blood. I pulled a dog bone out of my gums. Joe driving me and his father to Milwaukee but I didn't want to go so I jump out of the car. His dad calls his sister to tell her we are getting a divorce because of this. Just the weirdest dreams I have ever had and I'm believing some of them are real. I could of sworn on my life that Joe showed me a video of a baby moving in a mom's belly but when I asked him, he said nope. It was so real!! 
Food cravings? Everything
Food aversions? Nothing
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? All out
Movement? Lots, movement from one side of the belly to the other! 
Wedding rings on or off? Pretty much off :-( my wedding band & engagement ring won't fit over my knuckle. I have a ring that Joe made for me for my wedding present that fits my ring finger. My grandpa gave me my grandma's wedding/engagement band after she passed away so Joe made that into the most beautiful right hand ring with sapphires in it so it was my something blue on our wedding day.
What I miss? Being able to bend over and put on socks and tie my shoes
What I'm looking forward to? My mother-in-law is throwing us a baby shower in early November and she throws fantastic parties, so I'm very excited for it! Now I need to find a pretty dress that isn't a muumuu  
Milestones? 27 weeks is the 3rd trimester some websites say, I think it's not till next week but I'll go with 27 weeks
Bump? It's getting bigger. I need to buy  a black bra in this bigger size, you can see my tan bra under this black shirt!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 26 & Baby Shower #1

Wow, this pregnancy brain is getting the better of me! I was so gun-ho on doing these updates on Saturday when my week changed, now I can't remember to save my life!

How far along? 26 weeks
How big is the peanut? A head of lettuce
Total weight gain/loss? 173lbs, up 28lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep, only 2 pairs of yoga pants and a few long sleeved tops that are non-maternity but the pants are getting a tad too tight
Sleep? Pretty good because we were on vacation the week of Labor Day, so I got to sleep in everyday
Best moment this week? Had another ultrasound, baby girl is looking great and is already 2 lbs! I also had my first baby shower this past Saturday. My cousin is due 3 days before me, so we had a joint shower
Symptoms? None
Food cravings? None
Food aversions? None
Gender? Baby girl!!
Labor signs? Nope, I think some Braxton hicks. At least some tightening
Belly button in or out? Out!
Movement? A lot and I'm starting to see lumps where she's pushing out
Wedding rings on or off? On but very hard to get over my knuckle 
What I miss? Really nothing this week
What I'm looking forward to? Just registry stalking as the invites from my mother-in-law are going out soon!
Milestones? None that I can think of
Bump? Yep and a few shower pics and a 3D pic of baby girl!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 24 & 25 (I'm a slacker)

I completely forgot to do my update last week. Work has been busy and I've just been tired! So we'll do 24 & 25 together!
How far along? 24 weeks / 25 weeks
How big is the peanut? Papaya / Eggplant
Total weight gain/loss? 170lbs / 171lbs. I'd be very happy if I stopped gaining now, but I know that won't happen. I'm going to stop looking at the scale soon 
Maternity clothes? Yep, maybe 1 or 2 non-maternity pants
Sleep? last week & this week I have been sleeping horribly. My hips are killing me and I have to move every 30-60 minutes, and when you are this big, you can't move w/o waking up
Best moment this week? Joe finally felt her move! I was laying in the bedroom and on my left side, she was kicking something fierce. He jumped a little when he felt her move, he thought I just pushed my stomach out. He felt 2 kicks and the look on his face was priceless. He has been emailing baby (like the Google commercial) and I'm sure he emailed her this
Symptoms? A little icky 1st trimester blah feelings a few days last week
Food cravings? Everything (see weight gain above)
Food aversions? Nothing (see weight gain above)
Gender? Baby girl!
Labor signs? Nope! Although I do think I've had some braxton hicks but not enough for me to stop and really think much of it
Belly button in or out? Flat but less out than last week. The top part is the only "out" part
Movement? Lots! Kicks, punches, flips. You name it, she does it about 4 times a day. I love it! At first it felt very weird, still does sometimes. It still takes my breath away every time. My mother-in-law saw my belly move last night when we were over there
Wedding rings on or off? On but getting tight
What I miss? Sleep, I guess I better get use to not getting any for awhile
What I'm looking forward to? We have an ultrasound this Thursday and then my gluclose test :-( but then we are going out for dinner, sushi! I hate fish so I'll be having tempura seafood
Milestones? We reached V-Day (24 weeks)! If baby was born now (no ideas baby!) the doctors would do everything to make her survive. With today being Labor Day, I want NO SIGNS of LABOR!
Bump? And both are with makeup! What a treat. Week 24 is before we went to a family wedding and week 25 is when we were going to Taste of Melrose, we got baby girl a onesie she'll be wearing there next year

24 Weeks

25 Weeks